
There are two ingredients you must have if you want a successful game; First you keep new players happy and inspiring them to become long-term players. Second, give the longterm players enough new content to encourage them to stay.


1) fail to care for properly.
2) the state or fact of being uncared for.
Rough transcript:

You know what's funny guys, for two years I've been telling Wargaming about their low tier tank problem. By their own admission they've been neglecting them and it's fucking bullshit.

(image: two OP low tier tanks that cannot penetrate eachother)

Wargaming has been dismissing me for over two years about the low tiers. And now this is the state of low tiers ... absolute Cancer.

I'm playing with the Panzer II-J - which is the biggest meme as far as low tiers go in this game.

I play with it to show how full of shit low tiers are in this game.

There are two ingredients you must have if you want a successful game. First you make new players happy enough to become long-term players. And second, give enough content to the long-term players for them to stay.

Wargaming has been neglecting its low tiers for seven going on 8 years now. And when I use the word 'neglect' - that's the word I was given by the guys that work in Minsk. ... and yet Wargaming wonder why their playerbase is crashing. This is because they're only paying attention to the high tiers and neglecting the low tiers.

Billy: The main issue for me, because obviously the last couple years they've been focusing a lot on e-sports which requires higher-tiers. It means the low-tiers all go to the side of the road.

Rita: That failed thing called e-sports.

(image: two tanks out of ammo that can't penetrate, arty lumbering up and taking 20hp chunks out)

So yeah, this is how you start ... losing players. Do you really think this is welcoming experience for people to get into high-tiers? I don't believe so.

Panzer IIIJ

People made a massive noise about it "okay we're gonna fix the tank" And you know how they fixed the tank? They buffed it even further.

The Panzer IIIJ had always been cancerous but never this cancerous. They buffed the commanders copolla and proudly proclaimed that they removed some of the frontal armor. "Bitch, it still has more frontal armour than the KV-1 ... and it's a Tier three tank!" They pretty much removed the side weak-spots. And this is how wargaming fixes its low tier tanks - by buffing it.